Program Registration Request

Thank you for your interest in joining a program at a Taste of Culture. Please fill in the form below and we will invoice you accordingly.

To register for Private, Custom Programs or Intensive Workshop Programs, please visit their pages directly.

We are happy to accommodate your dietary restrictions, as possible, when informed at the time of registration; please use the space in the form below to provide us with details.

Program Registration Request

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Instruction at A Taste of Culture is in English. A Taste of Culture’s mission is to empower participants in the ways of the Japanese kitchen, providing them with basic skills and knowledge regarding traditional/classical cooking methods, equipment, ingredients, menu planning, and food presentation. By focusing on essential foodstuffs and procedures, program participants will be able to re-create authentic Japanese cuisine no matter where in the world they may be.

A Taste of Culture does not offer instruction in the preparation of raw-fish dishes. The topic of selecting and handling a variety of fish to be consumed raw, is a subject that I believe is beyond the scope of any short program I could deliver. However, the menu-curriculum at A Taste of Culture can include the preparation of sushi meshi rice combined with cooked, smoked, and/or pickled fish, egg, and vegetables. Techniques for rolling, pressing and layering can be included in the curriculum.

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